Preparation for Independence Case Study
“F” was referred to LCS, and offered placement in a shared house, after a kinship placement broke down. Their mother had substance misuse issues and Their father and brother were in jail – with offences including armed robbery.
They’d been “passed from pillar to post” before LCS referral, and their turbulent upbringing meant they lacked basic skills, and was NEET.
We initially helped “F” re-engage with education – but they struggled with severe anxiety and insomnia. We arranged meetings with the college and advocated for “F” – helping them calmly and maturely explain their situation. It was mutually agreed A-levels weren’t appropriate for “F” at that time – and they needed something more practical and wanted to work. The day they left college they slept properly for the first time.

We supported “F” to find jobs they were interested in applying for, develop a CV and complete application forms. We helped them prepare for interviews by building their confidence, providing interview training, discussing appropriate clothing and planning travel routes. “F” gained a restaurant job (with training and a career pathway).
Other support “F” received from us includes:
- Daily support
- Budgeting help – they’d previously received benefit overpayment, and was paying back, reducing weekly income
- Cooking, cleaning, and household management – including developing chores lists
- Developing healthy routines with positive activities including baking/cooking, healthy eating
- Basic DIY
During furlough, “F” has been looking into apprenticeships, and we’re preparing for next-steps when they turn 18, including:
- Planning their new home – they’ve requested a temporary training flat with floating support before bidding for their own tenancy. We’ve liaised with the LA, who agree they’re not quite ready to close support
- Planning their new home – including saving for basic DIY supplies – which they’ve learned how to use with us
- Arranging a JCP appointment for their 18th birthday (fast-tracked as a Looked After Child) to set up universal credit – and consider applying for an LA 6-week bridging payment (locally, usually a grant for care leavers) before universal credit starts
- Setting-up a Home Allowance Fund
If needed, we’ll also help “F” investigate charitable funds/organisations i.e. Buttle Trust for new home furnishings. However, these are contingency plans – we’re hoping furlough ends with re-employment.