Pre-support approach
We begin with a robust matching process, ensuring we can meet young people’s individual needs, without compromising other shared house residents’ wellbeing. This involves multi-agency liaison, analysis of all relevant profiles, assessments and plans, and comprehensive matching.
Wherever possible, we ensure young people meet key staff, contribute to placement/support planning, and visit (or view videos/photos of) their new home before moving in. Placing LAs are provided with anonymised details of other young people in the house/potential residents, so the whole professional network inputs into matching/placing alongside assessment process.
Case Studies:
Managing Risk & Vulnerability
LCS take personalised approaches to risk management, according to individual needs. We co-produce Risk Management Plans alongside young people, Social Workers/Personal Advisors, and relevant partner agencies.
Our Preparation for Independence programme supports young people to protect themselves, and others – including providing carefully managed exposure to risk enabling development of personal risk management skills.
LCS are highly experienced in safely and effectively supporting young people with complex needs and extreme vulnerabilities. We manage risk through proactive approaches that are:
- Based on our extensive experience, industry best practice and guidance
- Collaborative – involving staff from key agencies already offering support, and the young person (wherever appropriate)
- Holistic – developing positive links in local communities, with support organisations, and arranging positive diversionary activities
- Personalised to individual needs of each young person
- Regularly reviewed at agreed minimum intervals, and ad-hoc following any changes
Case Studies:

Monitoring Outcomes
LCS use bespoke evidence-based systems to monitor and evidence outcomes young people need to achieve to live independently.
Agreeing goals and monitoring progress involves young people – encouraging them to take ownership for their progress, and ensuring our services are updated to continuously meet their needs. This approach is used for all LCS young people, regardless of placement type.
Post Support Approach
LCS plan for positive outcomes and progression from day one (working through regular support plan reviews to refine SMART outcome goals). A key part of our support approach is building networks of professionals and community organisations that will continue supporting the young person after they’ve progressed from LCS.
We can provide ongoing support for young people to ensure they implement/maintain the approaches and skills we helped them develop. As with our whole service, support is based on needs of the individual (rather than placement type).
Preparation for Independence
LCS deliver personalised Preparation for Independence programmes for all young people we support. This structured programme enables young people to develop the skills, knowledge, confidence and relationships to successfully live independently.
Our programme addresses key aspects including:
- Finances: Budgeting, paying rent/household bills, saving, and understanding/accessing financial support
- Household management: Organisational skills, basic DIY, cleaning and home management
- Self-care: Cooking, healthy eating, emotional wellbeing, self-confidence, registering with healthcare
- EET: Entering education, employment or training, and developing SMART, long-term career goals
- Social/Community: Developing appropriate/healthy relationships, wider community engagement, linking with agencies/organisations whose support will continue after progression from LCS
- Independence Planning: Including future accommodation plans
- AQA Qualifications: Providing valuable, recognised qualifications
Social Value
Leaving Care Solutions is committed to delivering tangible and measurable social and local value.
Our wider company group has been described by commissioners as a “private organisation with a social conscience.” We were the first organisation in our sector to gain the Social Value Quality Mark Level 2 accreditation. The commitments and pledges made as part of this accreditation are applied to every young person across LCS, regardless of their placement type.